タシデレ、こんにちは! 日本に戻って来たことを大変嬉しく思っています。ダライ・ラマ法王ならびにチベット中央政権(CTA)の日本/東アジア代表という責任を任されたことを光栄に思っております。
これまで代表を務めてこられた方々のように、私もダライ・ラマ法王の四つの使命に取り組む所存です。その使命とは、1) 人間価値の促進 2) 異なる宗教間の調和の促進 3) チベット問題の解決 4) ナーランダー僧院の伝統として引き継がれてきた仏教の保護ならびに促進です。
代表 アリヤ・ツェワン・ギャルポ
Representative’s Message
Tashi Delek and Konnichiwa! It is a great feeling to be back in Japan, that too, as the Representative of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA). I take this as a great honor to be entrusted with the responsibility to represent our people and the cause here in Japan and East Asia.
I was supposed to join this office in the month of June, but because of the China originated Coronavirus pandemic, I could not join in time.
I have a close feeling with Japan. I studied here under Naritasan Shinshoji Temple’s scholarship. My stay at the Temple greatly enhanced my understanding of Japanese culture and the language. Later, I joined the service of Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) in India, and in 2005 I was appointed the Secretary of this office and worked here for six years. I am indebted to the Japanese sponsors, supporters and volunteers who were great inspiration. I am also nostalgic about the Saturday Tibetan language and culture classes we organized here.
Relationship between Tibet and Japan dates back to the early myth that the first human inhabitants of the Japanese Island were Tibetans who came here to source medicinal plants. Similarity in counting systems and the language are some interesting distant vestiges which connect the two communities. There were more than ten Japanese who visited Tibet in the early 20th century on different missions. They tried hard to bring the two nations and the people closer. We need to remember their effort and contribution.
Tibet has been a peaceful independent nation since ancient times with rich culture, religion and history. It was illegally occupied by the Communist China in 1950. I am happy to be born as a Tibetan and that my Karma had entrusted me with a mission to work for freedom and justice of the people under the repressive totalitarian regime.
The goal of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) is to restore freedom in Tibet; save the deteriorating ecology of the region; and make the Tibetan plateau a zone of peace. Restoration of freedom in Tibet will mean to promote the Tibetan non-violent, pacifist spiritual culture and teachings which will benefit humanity in creating a moral and responsible world. Saving Tibetan ecology will deter global warming, melting of glaciers, and save the major rivers of South-east Asian countries. By demilitarizing and making Tibet a zone of peace, peace and stability will be ensured along the long skirmish-ridden borders of some South-east Asian countries.
Like my predecessors, I will continue to further the four commitments of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, i.e. 1) promotion of human value; 2) promotion of religious harmony; 3) resolution of Tibet issue; and 4) preservation and promotion of Nalanda tradition of Buddhist teaching.
Today the Tibet issue has become an international issue; it is an issue of illegal occupation; ecological, cultural and religious genocide; and violation of basic human rights. Tibet represents the victims of repressive regimes around the world. Therefore, the victory to Tibet issue means victory to peace, justice and humanity.
To this effect I hope to work hard and I request your kind support and guidance. Let us all work together to realize the vision of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, a world without war, violence and injustices. Let us also take care and fight this Coronavirus pandemic together. Thank you!
Arya Tsewang Gyalpo