



中国語強制に対するチベット人学生の抗議について An Appeal Tibetan Students Protest Over Chinese Language Imposition

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(2010年11月2日 ダライ・ラマ法王日本代表部事務所
(2010年11月16日 邦訳追記))







日本・東アジア代表 ラクパ・ツォコ


Chinese communist government’s policy to replace Tibetan by Chinese language as medium of instruction in Tibetan schools indicates how desperate the communist leaderships are to eradicate Tibetan culture and religion. When the fifty years of torture and indoctrination failed to subdue the Tibetan spirit of distinct identity and freedom, Chinese adopted this policy to cut the very root of Tibetan cultural identity, Tibetan language.

March 2008 uprising throughout Tibet has shown to the world that the Tibetans are not at all happy under the Chinese rule. Now, instead of listening to the people’s grievances and trying to solve the discontentment, China brutally suppressed the demonstration, killed and took many in prison. Even today Tibet is under the state of martial law.

Objective behind this language policy is sinicization of Tibet to gain full control over the people and the region. This language policy will make Tibetans forever dependent on Chinese language and culture. Young Tibetan will be cut off from the language, which is their mother tongue. Many Tibetans will be rendered jobless. It will open another huge gate for floods of Chinese immigrants, thus causing further demographic imbalance where Tibetans are already marginalized. By making Tibet a Han-majority region, communist leadership plans to fulfill their ultimate dream of liberation of Tibet!

Tibet is one of the world’s ancient civilizations with rich history and religious culture. Tibetan language is not only used in Tibet, but around the Himalayan regions. It is the language that has kept the Buddhism rich, pure and living. Destruction of this language will be great loss to the world civilization, coming generation and history will never forgive the Chinese communist leadership for this cruel crime against humanity.

What the Chinese communist government is doing is violating its own constitution’s Article 4 wherein freedom of ethnic spoken and written language is enshrined.

We appeal the governments and people around the world to urge the Chinese leadership to refrain from implementing this sinister policy to kill Tibetan language.

October 31, 2010

Lhakpa Tshoko