



「聖地チベット 〜ポタラ宮と天空の至宝〜」展に関して  関西地区の皆様へのお願い

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(2010年1月18日 ダライ・ラマ法王日本代表部事務所)

ご承知の通り、日本の大都市において、中国政府と日本企業の協賛によるチベット展「聖地チベット 〜ポタラ宮と天空の至宝〜」が巡回しており、札幌・福岡・東京にて開催されました。これらの開催地において、多くのサポーターの皆様が展示会に抗議して、訪問者に対してチベットの実情を伝えるためにご尽力くださいました。皆様の心からのご支援に感謝いたします。












To the People in Kansai region of Japan


As you are all well aware, a Tibet exhibition titled. “Tibet ? Treasures from the Roof of World” has been going around major cities in Japan under the aegis of Chinese government in collaboration with Japanese business entities. The exhibition was done at Sapporo, Fukuoka and in Tokyo.

Many Japanese supporters in the regions sincerely protested against the exhibition and tried their best to enlighten the visitors the true situation in Tibet. I thank them for their genuine concern. Osaka city is the next venue from Jan 23 to March 31.

While we welcome any exhibitions on Tibet, we are sorry to inform that the said exhibition does not give the true picture of Tibet and its history.

The world is well aware that since the invasion of Tibet by Chinese communist force in 1949, peaceful and religious people of Tibet were subjected to tremendous sufferings and tortures. As a result some 1.2 million Tibetan died, more than 6000 monasteries have been destroyed and plundered.

The exhibits and the documents at the exhibition are purposely designed to mislead the Japanese public into believing the Chinese Government as the benevolent guardian of Tibetan culture. While in fact, opposite is the truth. Repression of Tibetan religious and cultural freedom is still going on in Tibet. This is evident from the last year’s disturbance in Tibet. The fact that Tibet is closed even today speaks louder than anything.

If the organizers believe that this Exhibition is being done for the Tibetans, then the real historical background of Tibet and reason behind the flight of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and the Tibet issue, which has become an international issue should be properly displayed and addressed to, so that the interested publics are not misinformed. Instead, they should urge the Chinese Government to open Tibet to let the world see the real Tibet.

Situation in Tibet is very critical; it is very unfortunate to see certain elite bodies and intellectuals in this free country instead of standing up for justice are seen investing on the sad plight of Tibet.

We have been informed that many Japanese supporters of Tibet, groups and individuals in the regions are concerned and are planning demonstration against the exhibition and the organizers in various forms. While I thank them for their genuine concern and supports, I request them to keep their activities peaceful and refrain from any violent actions. Important thing is that we should let the organizers and the visitors know that the real situation in Tibet is different, and the world shouldn’t be deceived by this Chinese propagandist exhibition.

I request the people in this free country and media people to hear the both sides of the stories, and support the truth, justice and humanity.

Thanking you

Lhakpa Tshoko
Representative of His Holiness the Dalai Lama for Japan & East Asia