(2010年3月19日 ダライ・ラマ法王日本代表部事務所)
To the People of Japan
Despite numerous protests against exhibition titled, “Tibet – Treasures from the Roof of World” in major Japanese cities, the Exhibition is still going on in Osaka, and the next venue is Sendai. This has emboldened Chinese communist government to come up with an exhibition on Mongol, “The Legend of Genghis Khan & the Magnificent Mongol Empire” in Tokyo at Edo-Tokyo Museum.
This is a great insult to Tibetans and Mongolians, and freedom loving people of Japan, while the people in these two regions are oppressed and denied of their cultural and religious freedom, the Chinese government is conducting these exhibitions to mislead the Japanese people into believing that they are the benevolent guardians of Tibetan and Mongolian culture. This is their hideous plan to justify their oppressive and colonial rule in the regions.
Unfortunate thing is that this is happening in Japan, that too with the collaboration with Japanese business and media entities. Japan being a strong independent nation, oppressed people in Asia look forward to Japanese leadership in delivering peace and justice in Asia. Collaborating with tyrannical regime does not become of Japanese intellectual and business society.
While we welcome any exhibitions on Tibet, Mongol and Uighur, we urge the organizers to exhibit the true history and current situation in the regions. I request the Japanese business and media entities not to become a tool of Communist propaganda. This is not good for China, Japan, for Asia and for world peace, for that matter.
It must be noted that during the Mongol supremacy in Asia, both China and Tibet came under Mongol influence around 1240-1368 in the name of Yuan dynasty. It was during this time the Tibetan Buddhist masters influenced the belligerent Mongol Kings into Dharma Raja, Religious Kings and Tibet became independent from Mongol in 1350, eighteen years before China was to become free from Mongol rule. Let us see how these historical facts are presented in the exhibition.
I request the people in this free country and media people to hear the both sides of the stories, and support the truth, justice and humanity, not to get deceived by Chinese propaganda.
Thanking you
Lhakpa Tshoko
Representative of His Holiness the Dalai Lama for Japan & East Asia